There are 4 New Horse Property listings in West Phoenix within the last two weeks including Wickenburg

Horse Property in West Phoenix

New horse property listings in West Phoenix

There are four new horse property listings for the West Valley (including Wickenburg) within the last two weeks.

Here’s a link to active new #horseproperty within the dates of 6-1-21 to 6-16-21..

View the listings click here.

To view all 28 active horse propIn order to be considered a #horseproperty the listing must contain at least a stall or tack-room.

This is a great time to buy or sell and the inventory is low. Give me a call if you’re thinking about selling or buying.

Thank you in advance forerty listings for this area right now click here.

your referrals.

-Horse Property


Ron Bykerk
West USA Realty
7077 E. Marilyn Rd #130
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254

#horseproperty #arizonahorseproperty #AZHPR #newhorseproperty #horse #horses

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