Getting Rid of Your Couch: The Right Way

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So, you just bought a new couch…and it’s perfect. It’s just the right color, just the right size, just the right amount of comfy…it magically transformed your living space in a way you never thought was possible. However, you are now faced with a daunting new task: getting rid of your old couch. Yes, you could just dump it in the trash, and let it go to the landfill. But you just know you’d feel like a terrible environmentalist contributing to landfill waste. So, maybe you want to consider some more eco-friendly alternatives. What might those be, you wonder? Well, we’re glad you asked.

Sell Your Couch

Selling locally is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to get rid of old, good-condition furniture. That way, you know for sure it will be repurposed and put to use instead of sitting in a dump somewhere. And, unlike the alternative, selling your couch might make you a bit of money.

You can list your couch online (on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, for example), or on local online yard sale groups. If you decide to go this route, there are just a few things to be mindful of. Watch out for scammers online and ignore any offers or requests that sound suspicious. Also, make sure to clean your couch and try to remove any stains before you arrange to sell it. If there are spots that absolutely will not come out, or if there are any other notable imperfections, make sure to document them in your listing so your potential buyers aren’t surprised when they see your couch in person for the first time.

Donate Your Couch

You might be able to give your couch to someone you know, such as a friend or family member, rather than disposing of it. Some older, but still perfectly usable, furniture would greatly benefit a household in need. It might be possible to find someone who needs a couch for the home they’re moving into, or to replace an existing couch in their home. You get rid of your old sofa, they get a new one… it’s like the furniture circle of life.

Or, donating to a charity that accepts furniture is a great way to make a community impact. Check to see if your local donation center is able to accept your old couch. There may even be a possibility that they can pick it up from your house. The other great thing about donating? You can mark it as a deduction on your tax returns. See, everybody wins.

Recycle Your Couch

Your sofa may need major repairs if it’s in less-than-optimal condition. In some cases, it might just be time to let it go. You can deconstruct your couch and take its parts to a recycling center where they can be repurposed there. Fair warning: disassembling your old furniture might not be an easy task. But if you truly have your heart set on keeping that couch out of a landfill, you might just have to resort to this.

First, you will want to take the cushions off the couch and set them to the side. Then, go in with either a box cutter or a staple remover, and remove the upholstery from the couch. Take off the chair legs next using a screwdriver. If there are no visible screws, you might just have to saw the legs off. Once all of this is done, you will be left with the basic frame of the couch. From there, the cushions, fabric, and wooden pieces can all be taken to a recycling center. The metal pieces can go to a scrap yard.

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